
Explore a collection of heartfelt stories and inspiring works that captivate the mind and soul.

What Does Your Heaven Look Like

What Does Your Heaven Look Like Vol #1

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Coleman was struck by the number of people who entered the afterlife with no family by their side, only medical personnel. She also realized that many family members were in need of additional closure, unique to that experience. This book asks the reader questions about their concept of Heaven, as well as providing blank coloring pages for them to elaborate, allowing them to personalize the book and make it their own.

“…[E]very end has its new beginning and…God makes no mistakes, only allowances. This book is a representation that no labor of love is ever in vain,” said Coleman.

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As It Was In The Beginning, So Shall It Be In The End

As it was in the Beginning, So Shall it be in the End: A Collection of Poetry

Synopsis Davida Coleman’s first collection of poetry, AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, SO SHALL IT BE IN THE END, is a powerful and emotional walk through her own experiences. She masterfully portrays the parallels she draws to the struggles she has and those in the lives of others. Generational complications are examined through honest and thought-provoking imagery. Coleman chaperons her readers on a trip through a spiritual enlightenment.

She boldly includes life lessons; discussions on the power of learning through and from pain, recognizing the silver linings of our tribulations, showing gratitude for every ounce of good, and celebrating every minute of life we are blessed with. Davida Coleman’s reflections on her childhood, her own parenting, and her spiritual journey will inspire readers of all walks of life. This author’s thematic approach, highlighting the contrasts between traditional family and spiritual expectations, against her own self-realization, will evoke empathy in and inspire all who read her work.

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